Saturday, January 20, 2007

JP Search - Strike One!

David called Brother Emmanuel aka Mr. Pierre Paul Gaudette today and, unfortunately for us, he is BOOKED! It's about 5 and a 1/2 months away from our wedding and he's BOOKED! When did these people start confirming their solemnisers? At the risk of sounding kiasu, i tried called a couple in July last year because i was told that i should find someone before i booked a venue and paid the deposit. One completely ignored me, another told me to call only 3 months before. So, now it's 5 months away and from reading the forums i know most of the girls getting married on the same day have confirmed their JPs, and we've only just started calling one and still feel embarrased that we are doing it so far in advance. So, really, when should we have started calling?

We're going to try Dr. Anamah Tan on Monday. She seems cool and she's done a lot of women's rights in Singapore. Watch this space, again!


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