Sunday, April 29, 2007

Typical Chinese Wedding Tea Ceremony

Ok, i've just found this on youtube (hooray for youtube!), and this has all the classic reasons why we chose the photorgrapher we did, why we have asked guests not to turn on their flash on the day when they take photos, and of course, it gives my avid readers more information on dressing for the tea ceremony.

This video shows a wider range of outfits worn by guests for the tea ceremony - some more casual, some dressed slightly smarter. I guess this might make it more confusing for guests but ... it is quite difficult to pin down an exact dress code in a country/culture that doesn't take this sort of thing seriously. I am sure those who have viewed my brother's wedding video would have realised, and been surprised at, how casually dressed some people can be when turning up for wedding dinner parties. What can I say...cultural difference???

As for the photographer in the video. What kind of photographer constantly steps in front of the videographer every three seconds to take pictures of the bride and groom serving tea. At this rate, i think they can do a flip card and just drop the videographer (it would create the same effect). And, the flash lights! I hope this helps explain our position on 'no flash photography on the day please'. The constant flashes that gets captured on the video really spoils it we think, as it is very distracting, and besides, I rather not like to be constantly aware that I am being captured on film (or a digital card in this day and age). Haha, I am very shy!

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